PARTNERS innovation

PARTNERS innovation

It is the question of building that is at the root of today’s social hardship: architecture or revolution"

We coordinate a network of specialised Partners to offer integrated multidisciplinary services, making use of the most innovative and rigorous design technologies.

The innovative projects developed for Palazzo Italia/Human Technopole, eniservizi, and DIG 421, the innovative hub of Tesisquare, were an opportunity to develop architectures oriented towards research and open innovation, in which to dialogue systemically with partners specialised in innovative technologies.

Today we rely on Partners specialised in the field of technological and digital innovation to offer services with high added value in which architecture and technology interact with each other. 

We are constantly looking for collaborations with realities of excellence in the Information & Digital Technology sector, to develop projects involving architecture and Urban design, and technological Partners to develop component and product design.

We make our know-how available to Partners involved in innovative research projects in the field of Digital and Phygital design, involving architecture in the broadest sense. 

For information, write to, with ‘Partners Innovation’ as the subject.

Palazzo Italia | Human Technopole : a cutting-edge Life Sciences research centre

Our innovative project for the Italian Pavilion has seen the use of innovative technologies, with a high prefabrication content, and the collaboration with specialized partners that represent excellence at an international level.

For Palazzo Italia we spoke with important technological partners, to develop the innovative biodynamic cement cladding skin, and the spectacular steel and glass roof. Here are the links of the innovations carried out in collaboration with our partners:

 DIG 421 – Digital Innovation Gate : an innovative hub of the XII Century for Open innovation

With the company Tesisquare we have developed the DIG421 project, an Open Innovation Campus conceived as a collaborative village of the 21st century, where architecture, technology and sustainability meet and open up to the local area.

Here is the video that tells the evolution of the project:

Sesto Palazzo Eni in San Donato Milanese: a research centre on the energies of the future

The Project for the new eni Headquarters revolutionises the way of conceiving an office building, in terms of language, cutting-edge technologies and the ability to re-generate a new urbanity.

Here is the video that tells the evolution of the project:

NCC – National Creative Cluster

The New Creative Cluster is an innovative urban sector of Beijing, designed to host a fashion compound, higher education activities and an innovative business district, in close synergy with the local area.

Here is the video that tells the project:

EIT Campus : a highly innovative masterplan

EIT is a highly innovative technological district in the Ningbo area, which dialogues in a systematic and integrated way with the territory, generating environmental and vital energy.

Here is the link to the Project: EIT Campus

Catholic University – Campus 

The regeneration of the Campus of the Catholic University in Rome is an opportunity to renew the congress centre and accommodation facilities, combining high technological performance and an avant-garde project in terms of sustainability and language.

Here is the video that tells the project: Nuovo Polo Congressuale Università Cattolica

TCL : an urban landmark at Shenzen

The headquarters of this large innovative technological company reflect its identity and values, in an iconic and avant-garde project. 

Here is the link to the Project: Torre TCL